Titulo Original: Overhaulin |
Título Traduzido: Reconstruindo |
Episódio: 01 ~ 27 |
Gênero: Automobilístico |
Duração: 640 Minutos |
Diretor: Joseph Brutsman, Steve Beebe, Andrew Robinson |
Data de Exibição: 2007 |
Tamanho: 10 GB |
Resolução: 640x480 |
Frame Rate: 29 FPS |
Formato: DVDRip |
Qualidade de Audio: 10 |
Qualidade de Vídeo: 10 |
Codec do Vídeo: XviD (~ 1300 kbps) |
Codec do Áudio: MP3 (128 kbps) |
Idioma: Inglês |
Chip Foose
Christopher Jacobs
Courtney Hansen
Chip Foose
Christopher Jacobs
Courtney Hansen
Na série do Discovery Channel OVERHAULIN, lançada na América Latina em outubro de 2004, o famoso designer de automóveis Chip Foose lidera uma equipe de mecânicos empenhados em transformar carros velhos em peças dignas de uma coleção. Para conseguir as chaves do carro em que terão que trabalhar e depois surpreender seu dono, os integrantes da equipe de OVERHAULIN precisam recorrer a todo tipo de artimanhas.
Lista de Episódios:
Episode 1: Turner Car
Chip Foose and his team create a '95 Honda Civic tuner car. Dylan loves tuner cars and dreams of having a fast, slick Honda with cool paint, a fast motor, racing seats and all the bells and whistles.
Episode 2: The Mad Kidney Donor
Jason was a stockbroker, but when 9/11 hit he lost his job. He's always made ends meet, but never had the money to make upgrades on his truck. Last fall, Jason gave a kidney to his long time buddy, William; William has been looking for a way to thank him.
Episode 3: Wiley and the Roadrunner
John the Joker, as his friends call him, has had a string of bad luck with his love for Mopars. His first Road Runner he totaled, the second he had to sell once they had children, and "his 3rd baby", a 69 Road Runner convertible, needs a new engine.
Episode 4: Bel Air BBQ
Tyson is a 100% all-American guy with only half of a cool car. The Bel Air he purchased two years ago is badly damaged in the rear, with grey primer, while the front has cool retro flames. He'd like to have the car looking sweet to drive to college.
Episode 5: Illegal Fowl
The Overhaulin team steals a 1965 Ford Thunderbird from a Deputy Sheriff, with the help of his wife and his eight teenage children. The lawman is put to the test by the team's pranks, including a very tense moment at the junkyard with a car crusher.
Episode 6: One Ugly Horse
Sixteen years ago an accident left Mike with a broken neck, back, and broken nose. But after rehab, his healthy lifestyle and exercise program impress everyone around him. Watch as his dream of owning a Mustang like "Gone in 60 Seconds" is brought to life.
Episode 7: Snaked
Ana has a Mustang she adores. Unfortunately, Ana is also dealing with Lupus. Richard, her husband, says that you wouldn't know she was sick because she's so cheery and vibrant and super-excitable; she would totally flip if her Mustang were overhauled!
Episode 8: U.S. Navy StealEpisode 8: U.S. Navy Steal
John is an ex-Navy Seal who regards his 1950 Ford truck as the soul of his late best friend, Mitch. His family, his career, and of course, money, always prevented him from working on the truck. His wife thinks it's time to get the gift he deserves.
Episode 9: Clean LeMans
Fredrick moves from New York to L.A. to find work as a freelance hairdresser, but is still trying to break into the entertainment hair business. His car has been in the garage waiting for some tender love, but financial issues have kept him from it.
Episode 10: Nova-caine
Gabriel is a cheerful and funny guy who makes friends wherever he goes. After Gabriel's daily driver was stolen, his wife Christine would love to surprise him with a cool hot rod.
Episode 11: Customs
As a child, Martin secretly loved his dad's Impala and was crushed when it was sold. Martin's dad bought it back, and Martin still dreams of fixing it up and driving his family around in style.
Episode 12: FireyBrit
Andrew and Johanna met on vacation; at the time she only had three months to live. Now, years later, the two are happily married, and Andrew wants to make-over Johanna's beloved Magnum to celebrate her life and all of her accomplishments.
Episode 13: The Biggest Beater in America
Our Overhaulin' judges will select the biggest beater in America and then ask viewers to submit suggestions online for how best to transform the vehicle. And voila! One lucky winner gets a Chip Foose custom car makeover.
Episode 14: Desperate Impound
Sharon got her GTO in 1979 for $1200, and she and her grandpa used to work on it together. When he passed, she stopped driving the car. Sharon is now busy with two children, and her husband says it's time for her to get the attention she deserves.
Episode 15: Neighborhood Watching
When Dennis moved to LA 15 years ago, he bought his dream daily driver convertible with his last $4000. His girlfriend says that he's so attached; they will probably have to bury him with the car.
Episode 16: That 70's Van
Back in 1976, he bought his van brand new and adored it. Today, he focuses on family and friends and has put the van aside. He is always quick to help family and friends, so his daughter thinks it's about time that they did something special for him.
Episode 17: Leno's Heist
When Jay Leno found out that his part-time mechanic and friend, Dave Killackey and his 1956 Noman were in dire need of help - but couldn't afford the expense himself, he turned to the dynamic Overhaulin' team to make Dave's dream come true.
Episode 18: SEMA
When a thief mistakenly killed Merrick's father seven years ago, Merrick inherited his father's prized possession, the '67 Charger. Merrick cannot afford to fix up the car alone - so the Overhaulin' arrives to save it from the junkyard.
Episode 19: Overtime
Matt loves his Model A Ford but doesn't have the time to give it the love and attention it needs. More specifically, among many other things - this classic car has 1987 Mazda engine in it! Foose and the Overhaulin' team to the rescue!
Episode 20: Hot Head
Mark's best childhood memories were riding around in his dad's '72 Cutlass. Now Mark is struggling to take care of his family and cannot afford to fix it up enough to take it out of the garage.
Episode 21: Got GTO?
A tragic accident caused Richard to be paralyzed from the waist down. Since his injury, Richard has worked to motivate others and wants to become a social worker. But the GTO he's always dreamed about fixing up sits in the driveway untouched.
Episode 22: NAPA Doublehaulin'
Daryline is a model NAPA Auto Parts employee - and both her husband, Willy, and her boss, George think that no one is more deserving of an overhauling of her Camino than Daryline.
Episode 23: LowriderGirl
Noemi has dreamed about her perfect 1964 Impala forever, but doesn't have enough money to fix it up. Her husband turns to Overhaulin' to help him give Noemi her dream car.
Episode 24: Photo Shoot Fiasco
Miles and Chrissy both lost their fathers within 3 weeks of each other, Chrissy's dad left the Bronco to Miles in his will. Miles views this car as a symbol and tribute to both fathers and wants to restore the Bronco to its original beauty.
Episode 25: Uncle Sam's Nephew
David never had enough saved to fix up his '68 Firebird. After high school, he joined the Marines and served three times in Iraq and Afghanistan. Now that he's back and enrolled in college, Overhaulin' is going to give him a little surprise.
Episode 26: Overlord
The Overhaulin' team has pulled off the ultimate prank: stealing Chip Foose's beloved '56 truck right out from under his nose and overhauled it over the course of four months! A new side of Chip is revealed as the prankster gets pranked!
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=9Z16BKZO - parte 1
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=7DDO4BNV - parte 2
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=KJD9JX6P - parte 3
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=QMKGPPJN - parte 4
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=534614OU - parte 5
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=JTNLEW8E - parte 6
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=T896R79X - parte 7
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=RM19Z0AI - parte 8
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=VHIIHWTC - parte 9
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=KH0TAOD1 - parte 10
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=38WHRSN0 - parte 11
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Na série do Discovery Channel OVERHAULIN, lançada na América Latina em outubro de 2004, o famoso designer de automóveis Chip Foose lidera uma equipe de mecânicos empenhados em transformar carros velhos em peças dignas de uma coleção. Para conseguir as chaves do carro em que terão que trabalhar e depois surpreender seu dono, os integrantes da equipe de OVERHAULIN precisam recorrer a todo tipo de artimanhas.
Lista de Episódios:
Episode 1: Turner Car
Chip Foose and his team create a '95 Honda Civic tuner car. Dylan loves tuner cars and dreams of having a fast, slick Honda with cool paint, a fast motor, racing seats and all the bells and whistles.
Episode 2: The Mad Kidney Donor
Jason was a stockbroker, but when 9/11 hit he lost his job. He's always made ends meet, but never had the money to make upgrades on his truck. Last fall, Jason gave a kidney to his long time buddy, William; William has been looking for a way to thank him.
Episode 3: Wiley and the Roadrunner
John the Joker, as his friends call him, has had a string of bad luck with his love for Mopars. His first Road Runner he totaled, the second he had to sell once they had children, and "his 3rd baby", a 69 Road Runner convertible, needs a new engine.
Episode 4: Bel Air BBQ
Tyson is a 100% all-American guy with only half of a cool car. The Bel Air he purchased two years ago is badly damaged in the rear, with grey primer, while the front has cool retro flames. He'd like to have the car looking sweet to drive to college.
Episode 5: Illegal Fowl
The Overhaulin team steals a 1965 Ford Thunderbird from a Deputy Sheriff, with the help of his wife and his eight teenage children. The lawman is put to the test by the team's pranks, including a very tense moment at the junkyard with a car crusher.
Episode 6: One Ugly Horse
Sixteen years ago an accident left Mike with a broken neck, back, and broken nose. But after rehab, his healthy lifestyle and exercise program impress everyone around him. Watch as his dream of owning a Mustang like "Gone in 60 Seconds" is brought to life.
Episode 7: Snaked
Ana has a Mustang she adores. Unfortunately, Ana is also dealing with Lupus. Richard, her husband, says that you wouldn't know she was sick because she's so cheery and vibrant and super-excitable; she would totally flip if her Mustang were overhauled!
Episode 8: U.S. Navy StealEpisode 8: U.S. Navy Steal
John is an ex-Navy Seal who regards his 1950 Ford truck as the soul of his late best friend, Mitch. His family, his career, and of course, money, always prevented him from working on the truck. His wife thinks it's time to get the gift he deserves.
Episode 9: Clean LeMans
Fredrick moves from New York to L.A. to find work as a freelance hairdresser, but is still trying to break into the entertainment hair business. His car has been in the garage waiting for some tender love, but financial issues have kept him from it.
Episode 10: Nova-caine
Gabriel is a cheerful and funny guy who makes friends wherever he goes. After Gabriel's daily driver was stolen, his wife Christine would love to surprise him with a cool hot rod.
Episode 11: Customs
As a child, Martin secretly loved his dad's Impala and was crushed when it was sold. Martin's dad bought it back, and Martin still dreams of fixing it up and driving his family around in style.
Episode 12: FireyBrit
Andrew and Johanna met on vacation; at the time she only had three months to live. Now, years later, the two are happily married, and Andrew wants to make-over Johanna's beloved Magnum to celebrate her life and all of her accomplishments.
Episode 13: The Biggest Beater in America
Our Overhaulin' judges will select the biggest beater in America and then ask viewers to submit suggestions online for how best to transform the vehicle. And voila! One lucky winner gets a Chip Foose custom car makeover.
Episode 14: Desperate Impound
Sharon got her GTO in 1979 for $1200, and she and her grandpa used to work on it together. When he passed, she stopped driving the car. Sharon is now busy with two children, and her husband says it's time for her to get the attention she deserves.
Episode 15: Neighborhood Watching
When Dennis moved to LA 15 years ago, he bought his dream daily driver convertible with his last $4000. His girlfriend says that he's so attached; they will probably have to bury him with the car.
Episode 16: That 70's Van
Back in 1976, he bought his van brand new and adored it. Today, he focuses on family and friends and has put the van aside. He is always quick to help family and friends, so his daughter thinks it's about time that they did something special for him.
Episode 17: Leno's Heist
When Jay Leno found out that his part-time mechanic and friend, Dave Killackey and his 1956 Noman were in dire need of help - but couldn't afford the expense himself, he turned to the dynamic Overhaulin' team to make Dave's dream come true.
Episode 18: SEMA
When a thief mistakenly killed Merrick's father seven years ago, Merrick inherited his father's prized possession, the '67 Charger. Merrick cannot afford to fix up the car alone - so the Overhaulin' arrives to save it from the junkyard.
Episode 19: Overtime
Matt loves his Model A Ford but doesn't have the time to give it the love and attention it needs. More specifically, among many other things - this classic car has 1987 Mazda engine in it! Foose and the Overhaulin' team to the rescue!
Episode 20: Hot Head
Mark's best childhood memories were riding around in his dad's '72 Cutlass. Now Mark is struggling to take care of his family and cannot afford to fix it up enough to take it out of the garage.
Episode 21: Got GTO?
A tragic accident caused Richard to be paralyzed from the waist down. Since his injury, Richard has worked to motivate others and wants to become a social worker. But the GTO he's always dreamed about fixing up sits in the driveway untouched.
Episode 22: NAPA Doublehaulin'
Daryline is a model NAPA Auto Parts employee - and both her husband, Willy, and her boss, George think that no one is more deserving of an overhauling of her Camino than Daryline.
Episode 23: LowriderGirl
Noemi has dreamed about her perfect 1964 Impala forever, but doesn't have enough money to fix it up. Her husband turns to Overhaulin' to help him give Noemi her dream car.
Episode 24: Photo Shoot Fiasco
Miles and Chrissy both lost their fathers within 3 weeks of each other, Chrissy's dad left the Bronco to Miles in his will. Miles views this car as a symbol and tribute to both fathers and wants to restore the Bronco to its original beauty.
Episode 25: Uncle Sam's Nephew
David never had enough saved to fix up his '68 Firebird. After high school, he joined the Marines and served three times in Iraq and Afghanistan. Now that he's back and enrolled in college, Overhaulin' is going to give him a little surprise.
Episode 26: Overlord
The Overhaulin' team has pulled off the ultimate prank: stealing Chip Foose's beloved '56 truck right out from under his nose and overhauled it over the course of four months! A new side of Chip is revealed as the prankster gets pranked!
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=9Z16BKZO - parte 1
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=7DDO4BNV - parte 2
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=KJD9JX6P - parte 3
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=QMKGPPJN - parte 4
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=534614OU - parte 5
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=JTNLEW8E - parte 6
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=T896R79X - parte 7
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=RM19Z0AI - parte 8
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=VHIIHWTC - parte 9
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=KH0TAOD1 - parte 10
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=38WHRSN0 - parte 11
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